Sunday, 31 August 2008

Our Pets...

Spungebob and Pinga, our new pets, are sitting over there --> We had to edit Spungebob's name because otherwise it would be a copy and the real 'Bob is very unique!!... Hope you like them... We might add a few in some posts.. For Searcherdude:
From Becky1507 Pin is in boiler room...

New pets!

Look at the side and you will see some creatures called bubs! >>> We have Spongebob and a Penguin right now.

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Party... :(

Oh! I'm SO sorry people! The party didn't take place because Poly wasnt online and I was trying to tell her I had to go out unexpectedly..
So even if I went Poly wouldn't of been there and I couldn't go anyway so I'm very sorry about that...
I know Transalta went, and we are very thankful for that.. Apparently no-one else went so I don't think it would matter to everyone else...
Sorry anyway...
The new movie has an idea... Complete suprise! I emailed 10ypinkgirl (forgive me if the names wrong!) and told her the idea and she is deciding her part...
Wanna be in it? Email us at and for info check out the post a few posts down...
From Becky1507

Friday, 29 August 2008


Evil Vs Evil - Episode 1 Part 1 Thats Part1, Part 2 needs to be uploaded.. Want a part in Episode2???
Email CP Helpers and tell us you name, server and site, if you have one! And Email.
Wanna suscribe??? We can automatically send you an email every time some one posts or comments!! Email us with the email you want it to be sent to and tell us which Subscribtion Package you want! Theres comments (You get an email every time some one comments), Posts, or BOTH!!
Please visit my wordpress site: or CLICK HERE
From Becky1507
PARTY TOMORROW!! WOOP WOOP!! Searcherdude's Bday today!! Yipeee!!

Help in time. And the video

Lots of people are saying "I'm not sure what time that is here". So, I'm going to try to find out what 2:30 UK times is in Club Penguin times. If anyway knoes please comment. And yes, we did change the colour, hope you like it. There is a new furniture cataloge, and only two secrets in it! Click the lavalamp for the blender And the piano for the guitar stand! Also about the video, its not that good so far. And you I'll tell you why now. The first reason is because Becky talks way to long at the start, I was trying to get on and she was recording so while I tried to get on, Becky had to pass time by talking. Number two is we kinda messed our lines up at the start. Three is that I fall in it but the picture of me fallen over was put in the wrong place! Also Would YOU like to be in the vid? I'll try and get Becky to re-make the videa with you guys in it. And Pink ducky said there werent any girls! I'm a girl, and so is becky, shes just acting as a boy in it. But don't worry i have plans for you two to be in it. Thats all bye!

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Evil Vs Evil

Evil Vs Evil is the name of the TV Show Style video we plan to carry out..
So, Evil Vs Evil.. I don't want to ruin it so, if you want it to be a complete suprise, look away..
Evil Wins..
The first Video kind of messed up.. It is me, and Lime Fizz (poly) and I have a history of being evil..
They called me The Machine! I was the Evilest of the Evil, King of the Evils, Some called me King Evil.. But thats all history.. I'm a good guy now.. With my cunning disguise no one will recognise me and everyone will forget...
Until Now.. I met this good kid called.. I dont know what she is called.. But she turns evil and forces me to go back! She becomes my enemy.. She calls herself.
The Refridgerator..
Well.. What do you think.. It sounds good but the video is kind of messed..
Who will win?
Find out soon...

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

New Party Date!

Here is all the information of our Club Penguin Igloo Party! The date has changed about three times now so this is final!! (I think!) Meet at the Iceberg!! Have a chat and a dance around, blah blah! Go to Poly's igloo! Once again, have a chat and a dance around, blah blah! And go to Becky's (my) igloo and do the same!! Fun!! The times havent changed so if you want to know, look at the invite about 5 posts down and see, but ignore the date... By becky1507

Yes! Famous Commenter!

Woooo!!! Andreasmich commented the post underneath! LOOK!!!! Im happy!! He said we should get Wordpress... From Becky1507

PArty date change again (sorry but it helps people!)

Ok another date change. But loads of people go back to school the 2nd of Sepetember. So is the 30th Augest OK? If its not comment and we can have another party with just you!

I bought the puffle!

I bought the puffle! Anyway I got the purple one, because it won by one vote! It's name if Purple Fizz. So I was thinking, if you wanna visit her, and my two other puffles, I will leave my igloo open whenever I am on, sever Thermal.

Resalts are in!

Ok thanks for voting what puffle I should get. A few of you have been saying check out the dance moves and stuff. I know everything every puffle does because I used to have every colour and even two of some! Anyway Pink and puffle are drawing. So What shall I do? The options are up to you! Please comment saying what. PS Thee puple puffle is quite picky! She always wants sault on her food!

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Have you voted? And Becky is back!

Join the Red Team Club! Sign up by sending an email to and we will send you the latest red team news, and when there are matches and everything. Becky is back! But actually I'm gonna just post when I have time. Have you voted? We have a poll at the side about my puffles. The pink puffle is winning. Can you change the votes? Purple and Gold are drawing second. No-one has voted for me to keep my old ones. Please comment and say what you voted. Also it says it has 1 day left! So tommorrow I will take in the resalts. And remeber please, please comment on this post with the puffle you voted for!

Monday, 25 August 2008

I added Transalta!

I added Transalta. We met at the ice-berg. Then we went to her igloo. We looked around, and her puffle ate a cookie. Then we went to my igloo. We threw snowballs, then we said haha to everything! We raced down the moutain, and she won! Right now we are walking the plank of my igloo!

Party update

There isnt much to talk about on Club Penguin, so I will discuss the party we are having soon. The party is at 2:30 UK times. If you are in a different country, look up on google and see what time it is for you. The party will end around 3:30 UK times. Oh yes and if you comment, please can you write a tiny bit about how you found us? It doesn't matter if you don't but it would be very nice for us to know how you found our Club Penguin Blog. Anway I only have two puffles, a green one and a black one. Should I buy another one? I'll put a vote at the side. And I am not getting the red or blue puffles, I am only getting member ones. So this will be the choice: Golden puffle, Purple puffle, Pink puffle. Yes I know only three to pick from, but I am not getting another black or green it would be confusing. Please vote.

Sunday, 24 August 2008

The party is at a different day!

The party we planned is going to be held at a different day. The 2nd of September is when we will have it now. We chose this date because our celebrity guest couldn't make it, and Becky might not of aswell! We hope this change is OK! The time is 2:30 UK time. I have made this invite for you. (We had a better one but I can't find it!)

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Presedent means:

Ok I'm enjoying doing posts by myself, and sometimes Searcher (shes hasn't done one yet!) doing one now and again. But when Beckys is back she will do loads of posts too, so half of my subjects will be taken up. So I won't be posting as much. Oh and she said about me posting everyday, but I remeber what she told me a presedent was: Doesn't post loads, about once a week, and when she does they are very long, so I'm gonna do that! Well I'll start doing that when Becky is back!

Friday, 22 August 2008

She was wrong!

Becky was wrong! No free headbands! But we do get face paints and a gold medal if you complete the three courses. The RED face paint is at the coffee shop, and the BLUE face paint is at the pizza parler. I have the RED face paint because I support RED not the RUBBISH BLUES. :) . Anyway I have a gold medel and my RED face paints on, with the RED football kit and orange trainers and the long brown girl hair, which I think is called the 'Butterfly' .

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Whats Happening?

Guess what? I went on Club Penguin, then checked out Snow Dobby's site. Then I thought 'before I do this post, I should check out Watexs site.' It says he was banned because of violation of there terms of sevice. Wonder why... Anyway lots of things happening! Tomorrow is the 'Club Penguin Sport Party'. Now I think Becky1507 is going away soon, but she told me what she thinks one of the free iteams will be. "It's written all over the paper! Well not written but there are pictures of penguins everywhere. So I think 'The Sweatband' will be one of the free gifts. And hopefully there will be 'The Red and Blue team Paints. But we will also have to 'work for it' as Rookie said in the last newspaper so there should be some more free stuff too." So there are some of the gift Becky thinks we will get, and one we hope to get. Here is a picture of the what Rookie says the courses are, and also whats happening!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Whats Happening!

I thought it would be quite fun to do a news report on us, but like the person writing it, isn't me but a person who just.. Reports! So, what's happening on the Club Penguin Helpers site? Well, Becky1507 and Poly Penguin have just got new igloos, and there is a word going round that Searcherdude is going to try and get one too! She like's the boat igloo, like Poly, but I think it would be a good idea if she gets a different igloo before the party and her igloo can be included too!! The party games include, Haha, Stay Stay Stay, Cloning, and Fancy dress!! Oh Boy, I am so looking forward to this... If Searcherdude gets her igloo, here are the plans... Haha will take place at the Iceberg. Fancy Dress at Poly's Place!! Cloning will be at Becky's igloo! Stay Stay Stay, yeah, you guessed it, at Searcher's! The CPH group say, the more penguins that come, the more fun! They say, "If you come, you will make it fun!" Please come, and make it fun for every one else!! Thank's for listening!! From.. Um... Some one!! Becky1507..

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Party Party Party!

Well heres the plan for our igloo parties! First we will go to Poly's igloo, the Ship, and try to get a few penguins to walk the plank... This will get us all stressed and angry so then we go to my (Becky1507's) igloo, the Gym, to shake it all off and work the stress away... The Date Is: Monday 25th August 2008... And there might be a special guest coming too! No mentioning who though!! Heres a few events! Cloning: We will have a clonong contest and pick 3 penguins and see how many penguins can copy each of them... The winner will try to get cloned and if they cant get cloned they win but if they can the first penguin to clone them gets to be cloned and the same again, etc... By the way, "Cloning" Means copying an outfit. We won't include backgrounds and pins just the outfit... Ha Ha! : HAHA is the contest where we all huddle into a group and all type haha at the same time! It's really fun and looks cool! Stay stay stay! : See who can stay the longest! Will get a prize if you are there from the beginning to start or if you have stayed for the longest! My Favorite.. Fancy Dress: See who can come up with the coolest, unusualest, uncoolest, geekiest, weirdest costume! And a prize for the one who gets them all together! But thats the catergories... Coolest, Uncoolest, Most Unusual, Geekiest, Weirdest and ALL TOGETHER IN ONE!! After that, we get all the winners together and Poly Penguin will give them numbers, and Me and Searcher' will pick numbers and see who wins.. Or Vise Versa whatever... This is going to be incredibly fun! So! Cloning , Copy the outfit! HAHA!! , All get together and shout 'haha!' Stay Stay Stay!! , Stay for the longest and earn a prize! Fancy Dress , Match up an outfit that fits one of the catagories Also, heres our video... And if you can't see it, CLICK HERE. It's got songs of NOW 70, 3 songs: Dizzee Rascal - Dance Wiv Me Basshunter - All I Ever Wanted AND THE START OF... Rihanna - Take a Bow. AND THE CREDITS TUNE: Disney - The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers. Heres a pic from my old igloo spelling out CPH... From Becky1507..

Becky and Poly (me) get new igloos!

We have very good news! Becky and I both got new igloos. Becky got the Gym I got the Boat. We both think there are great. So the party is on, in two igloos! You can bet we are happy we have new igloos. Anyway as some other news Becky's puffle ran away. Maybe she didn't feed it, maybe it just wanted to Skate away. Anyway she got a post-card from her puffle 'Sooty' with a poem on it. We will tell you when the party is. You could end up on this blog. Who knoes? Updates soon.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Fishy in a bowl!

Ok random title, it's because Becky might be getting a new igloo. She hopes for a gym but I'm not going to promise it incase it doesn't go to plan. So how does this make it my title? I was thinking what about a party. A water party! I'm not sure when yet. But you don't have to come dressed as a fish, why non-members could come just yellow to be a duck, or why not come dressed normally cos penguins like water! Anyway If Becky gets a new igloo we can have the party then. Maybe she won't then we won't have this party.


It's Friday and most of the time, when something is happening, it's on a Friday!! And lemme tell ya, Somethings Happening!! Not just something though.. Somethings! So. What "things"? Well!! New Pin!! The Dodgeball pin is hidden at the stage on the balcony... Its the first ever pin to be hidden there.. So I gotta say, this is going to be in our (just had an idea!!) memory list. I might add some old ones from looking through all the posts on this blog but lets get on with it...
New igloo catalog!! Yeah, you may know because the new igloo was all over Club Penguin because thpink Deluxe (Two Fat was the whole point of the Scavenger Boat Hunt, which gave you a free Blueprints Background.
And a New Sports Catalog! Ill post the cheats after with the actual catalogs but heres whats in it... There's a wall banner saying CP on it which is available in two colours, blue and red ofcourse! And the Orange Helmet is back.. Well more on this a bit later...
I am getting a new igloo... I'm thinking of the Gym one or maybe just a Pink Deluxe...
I don't know... Some times the big ones are smaller than you expect.. Like the Bamboo Lodge thingy one... Its actually tiny so I dont recommend buying it.. I actually dont recommend buying a Massive (Two Floor) Deluxe Igloo because its hard to keep them tidy and mine always looks a mess... And its a bit short of storage space, yeah it doesn't look it but, if your like me and have alot of furniture dont buy it..

Thursday, 14 August 2008

New igloo tomorrow

Ok the new boat igloo is coming out tomorrow! I don't want one though, it wouldn't go with my stuff. Becky doesn't want it either, a dance floor boat anyone? Wouldn't it sink? Hmmm I'll email them about it Bye

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

What's Happening!

Yeah... Whats happening..?
Well, Right now, I'm on holiday in West Wales in a place called Aberystwyth! I have a funny story to tell.. I'll tell it at the bottom of this post! Yes well... I'm going back home tomorrow... Yes, and I would say "I'm home tomorrow so I'm going to post every day!!" But I can't.. When I get home I got to un pack then pack again! Why? I'm going to Spain!!
I should be like woooh! Im getting away from this blog! Yay!! But it's not like that! I'm going to miss this blog even though I'm only going for like 4 days!
So thats it really! I'm going to do a quick post tomorrow! I'll try and add in some Auto-Posts but I dont want this blog to be robotty and all that...
What I will try to do is find internet out there in Spain.. Connect (obviously).... My phone doesnt have Flash so I will check SD's (Snowdobby) site and see what he has written and write it in my own words. I might not be able to connect to the internet though....
The funny story... Dead Fish! A girl was cleaning around (three year old) and she wanted to get the duster wet because she thought it would clean better so she dipped it in the fish tank...
There were two fish in there and when she dipped the duster in it made the water go funny and killed one of the fish...
The end!
From Becky1507

Go Blue!

Heres a carry on/reply for the post below this 'Boo Blue' By poly..
I will always support Blue! Emibags, she will too! I must say Red are gay.. Why don't they go suck hayyyyy?!!!!!!
We are the blues! The team that never lose! You are the reds! So get this in your heeeeaaaadddsssss!!!!!!!!!
Blue Blue Blue Blue! Blue Blue Blue! Blue Blue Blue Blue! Blue Blue! Yeah!!
Red Red Red Red! Red Red Red! Red Red Red Red! Red Red! NOO!!
Never Boo The team of Blue! 'Cause you'll deserve, What'll come to you!
That's a smack on the heads, To the team of Reds! So never dis a Blue!
Please not that this isnt just to Poly but all you Red Supporters!
BAR is going to open soon! If you are you a Bluer sign up ( and I'll tell you everything!

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Boo blue!

I must say I think the blue SUCK!!! Go RED go RED!! Think off all the bad things that rhyme with blue! Think of the good things that rhyme with red! And on this blog more people support the red team, why because they RULE! Ok lets think on this blog who supports red: RED SUPPORTERS (THE COOL PEOPLE): Poly Penguin, Searcherdude, Xminipolo. Who supports the blue? BLUE SUPPORTER: Becky1505. ONE PERSON SUPPORTES BLUE THREE SUPPORT RED. Now umm I had better make a poem.. Um I'll make it up as I go along GO RED, BOO BLUE, COS REDS ARE BETTER THAN YOU, DOO DOO, IF YOU GOTTA PROBLEM WITH THE REDS, WE WILL GET OUR MASCOT TO HIT YOU WITH LEAD! OVER THE HEAD! WHEN THE REDS SHOUT "BOO BLUE" LOTS OF PENGUINS GO "BLUE WHO?" THEY DON'T KNOW THEM BECAUSE BLUE ISN'T COOL, THEY KNOW RED COS REDS RULE!!! Our mascot is George the Dragon hes red. :) Go RED!

Boo blue!

I must say I think the blue SUCK!!! Go RED go RED!! Think off all the bad things that rhyme with blue! Think of the good things that rhyme with red.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

The Blue Song!

We are talking to the Reds,
So get this poem in your heads!
Blue, Blue, Blue Blue!
Blue is better than you!
Bal-oooh! Bal-oooh!
We are talking to the Reds,
So get this poem in your heads!
Can we say just get a clue,
'Coz we are the team of Blue!
Bal-oooh! Bal-oooh!
We are talking to the Reds,
So get this poem in your heads!
We are sure you're gunna lose,
This song is from all of the Blues!
From and By Becky1507.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Boat Hunt!

On your boat quest make a start, To somewhere you can ride a cart! Mine.

Surfers have to stay afloat, If they want to find this boat! Cove.

In a shop where beans are ground, You'll find a boat floating around! Coffee Shop.

In snowy shores among the rocks, Is where the missing boat is docked! Beach

Below the street is where it's found, So head downstairs and swim around! Pool/Cave

Poor Rory is in quite a kerfuffle, Look for this boat near a puffle! Pet Shop

You're nearly there so don't you stop! You'll find this boat where penguins hop! Dock

If this boat was made of brick, It might get this place to tip! Iceberg

It's very easy if you know Club Penguin but if you don't keep checking in because I'll post pictures!


news stuff.

Rockhpper is here. I'm not spending long on this post because I have stuff to do... Rockhopper has brought with him the free gift iteam of brown boots! Thats one of the few non-member feet iteam. There is a Rockhopper potrate, a boat, wall net, a wheel and if you click the wheel you can get a life ring. The tips to find the boat pieces are eassy, and myslef and searcherdude did it in a few minutes. Then there is a puzzle and you must put the map together. It gives you a backround, but I prefere my Rockhopperr one. Poly Penguin

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Red VS Blue

Here are some pics in no paticular order of fights what a little fight looks like: (this isnt the real one) Here arre pics of the real thing: click to enlarge

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Its over

The party has ended. I'm glad actually. They always drag on the party which gets really annoying. It was OK that they extended the medeveil party. because I promised to show George (the Dragon) me and a friend in a rubber fish suit. Back then we didn't have these fancy menus so you could easily find you clothes, nope, everything was spread out... I couldn't find the suit, neither could my friend so we had to re arange it all... I found it in the end, but Amazing Abi (my friend penguins name) couldn't so she came dressed as a parrot. George liked my fish costume because he put he hands out for a hug... but Abi's costume... Lets say he preferes roasted parrot, because he breathed fire at her... Poor Abi... NOT REALLY! It was quite weird to watch. Good times, good times. Anyway this is about the music party right?? Oh I kinda went on about other things... I'm glad the party ended because there didn't seem to be any quite places!!! Before I go have you always noticed dragons are nearly always the bad guys?? There not that ad really, just call me and I'll tame it... other wise you could just go in a rubber fish suit.... Anyway Bye... Poly Penguin. PS: Becky's back.

Monday, 4 August 2008

I'm Back!!!

Wooo-hoooooooooooohhh!!! I'm glad to be back!! Yay-flippedy-weeehh!!! I got good news and bad news.. Good News: I'm back!!! Im quite happy. Way hey! Woopedy woop!!! Bad News: Hardly bad but it is the worst I can't think of... We are thinking of moving to Wordpress.. We think we will get more veiws and that's just what we need... I will post a bit more later.. Becky1507 PS Yay!!

the party is ending

Ok the party is ending soon on the 5th. So buy everything you need cos it will soon be gone. The new pin is at the night club move you mouse onto the pufle and when it flips click it.... Thats it I think.....