Friday, 19 December 2008

Rare updates!!!

From now on, this site is still running! Wow, this is great!
So I and maybe some others will be updating very rarely... When theres something I want to tell you, I will post here, the new site and any other site I can get onto!!
Since I haven't updated I just want to tell you all the members of the CPH group...
People who have left or are never going to post again are still in but people who violated the Club Penguin rules on our site will be knocked off straight away, never to be in the group again... Luckily that has never happened.
So here is everyone:
Poly Penguin
And a little bit of UAE...
In other new can anyone who sees this go to my site?
Click the picture below as it says, hence the "click here" bit...
Thankyou, Becky1507

Saturday, 13 December 2008


We are no longer posting here!! Aww, don't be sad!!! We are posting at CPHELPERS2!!! Go there and check out the pages, posts, pictures, penguins and people! The five Ps!!! Go there now!! Becky1507

Saturday, 6 December 2008