Friday, 20 June 2008

Bad things!

Couple of bad things have happened! Well only one but here it is:
I was talking on MSN to Snow Dobby and I randomly mentioned SDDS (his video production thingy bob). He said he quit SDDS! I was a bit gutted! But he had joined anothe one.. The reason he quit wa because Aelleos or what ever his name is had too much homework and couldnt do any videos! I asked him if he could make videos on his own, he said yes! The next bit (still about Snowdobby) is good! Read on!
I asked Snowdobby if he could comment on this site! But just as I entered the message, He went offline! I left him an offline message with the URL to this site.. Hopefully he will read it! Hopefully, hopefully!
As you may know, there has been an Earth Quake! On CP!! Its to do with the new mission! As a tributeto Snow Dobby and his sad moment of quitting SDDS, heres a pic off his site...
I remember Poly asking him to add him into our conversation! I told him about that! Hopefully he reads my message! All the rooms are wrecked now!
In the Coffee Shop theres coins spilt* and everything has fallen off thecounter! The books have fallen off the shelves and all! I think its pretty cool!
(* If you hovver your mouse over a coin it goes to a hand shape mouse saying theres something there! Mysterious, hmmm?)
In the Night Club the speakers hvefallen over and in the Arcade all the chairs andtables have fallen over!!
And n the Gift Shop the Wig Heads have fallen off the shelf and theres some stuff on thefloor!
It soo cool! And check out the message board in the HQ!!
All this is so cool!! Its meant to be bad, but it wasnt.. They could killsome penguins by deleting them! Thatd make it sad..
Check it all u for your self!

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