Friday, 18 July 2008

Random Quiz

Heres a Random Quiz I put together for you... Research the answers...
  1. What is the name of the Cuckoo Bird in the Ski Lodge?
  2. What is the name of the crab who broke the window in the cave?
  3. What is the name of the yellow fish?
  4. What is the name of the Big Orange Fish!
  5. What does the big orange fish like to eat?
  6. Name 4 things from Club Penguin, from parties and places, with 3000 in their name.
  7. Who broke the clock in the Snow Forts?
  8. What year was Club Penuin made?
  9. What was before Club Penguin?
  10. Who owns Club Penguin now?
  11. What item is hidden in EVERY clothing catalog...
  12. True or False: The Sports Shop and Gift Shop used to be the same with the same catlogs.
  13. What color was the Propellor Hat at the 2008 April Fools Party, White and _____...
  14. Why was Aqua Grabber made?
  15. Who is on the Club Penguin coin? (me! Only joking!)
  16. What is the name of the Club Penguin coin?
  17. What colour puffle catches on fire?
  18. Name one reason why you should ban a penguin.
  19. How old have you got to be to be a tour guide?
  20. How old have you got to be to be a Secret Agent?
  21. What colour is Searcherdude?
  22. What color is Xminipolo
  23. What colour is Snowdobby?
  24. What item was given for taking part in CPIP?
  25. What item was given for Club Penguins 2nd Anniversary?
  26. Where was the 2nd Anniversary party held?
  27. If you use the find button and it says 'This Penguin is on an Adventure' what does it mean?
  28. What is my favorite item?
  29. How is the Clock in the Snow Forts powered?
  30. What colour are the non-members puffles?
  31. How many puffles are there?
  32. In mission 2 what is the secret word? (That isnt actually a word)
  33. What colour is thesign for the slope Penguin Run?
  34. What are the signs for on the sign post on the Mountain?
  35. When there was a flood, where were the free mining hats?
  36. How many Lifeguard chair are there in Club Penguin (not including furniture items)
  37. What was the first Club Penguin pin ever??
  38. The Buoys in the Lighthouse and Beach.. What numbers are on them?
  39. What can't you jump over in Hydro Hopper / Ballistic Biscuit? (I prefer Ballistic Biscuit!)
  40. What is the only building you can see from the Iceberg?
  41. True or False: Poly Penguin is older than Becky1507....

Try to get all these right and email the answers to me at


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know dudes, Poly Penguin is WAY older than Becky1507. (in CP now) I know because I'm her! LOL