Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Back to School!!

Hi guys!!! We went back to school today! I DON'T HAVE A NEW PENCIL!!! :D:D
Now today I found out I liked custard cake and also found out.. Um.. We have a new teacher called Mr. Wintle.. (Not Winkle!!) Also, the most number of pupils in a class in our school is 20. Yes, too small, and their is only one class in each year.. But now, we are in Year 7 and there is 24 people!!! So our class got split into two groups.. Me and Poly are in the same class and we are sitting next to each other but Searcherdude is in class B... We are class A, for Awesome, Ace, and Amazingly cool!! Woop woop!
Well I'm sure you don't really care about that so!! What did you do over the Summer Holidays??? Something fun?? Well, I went on the computer and I went to Costa de Sol in Spain! Woop woop! BIG PRIVATE POOL!! All Mine!! Mwahahahaa!! Nah not really... It was private and mine but also other peoples...
Heres a picture::

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