Friday, 19 September 2008

Story - Part 2

If you havn't read part one, you won't understand this at all. Read it, then come back!
"How?" Asked Lila
"Easy peasy, pizza cheasy!" Grinned Charly "When Fatty is locking up, we sneak in"
"You shouldn't be so rude!" Replied Lila sharply,
"Your not my boss!" Replied Charly
"I'm the aldest!" Said Lila grabbing Charly and shaking her. She was obviusly annoyed.
"Oh by like two mintutes! Big deal, you can't change me so you need to start living with me NOW." Charly pushed her away.
"Well maybe I can't!" Lila was raising her voice.
"Oooh what are you saying?" Shouted Charly
"I'm saying maybe we would be better if we split up... FOREVER!" Shouted Lila
Her words ecoed round the street.
"Fine," Replied Chaarly and she began to run,
And shes running down the path
And, and theres this noise
And piles of snow and rocks fall from a mountain
just by Charly
And theres a scream - Charly's scream -
The rocks from, from the averlance.
And there on top of her.
And then, then the rocks are gone,
And so is Charly...
And all I can her is the eco of the scream, and the eco - my eco - shouting FOREVER! And the sound of a cookoo clock...

1 comment:

Becky1507 said...

OMG just reading it again!

Can you imagine seeing a CP Penguin running from behind! That'd be so hilarious! I'm laughing now!!
