Wednesday 30 April 2008

This is cooler!

This is way cooler than the banner! Take alook! And look three posts down for a good post! LOL! Becky1507


Heehee look at this..: Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends! Ok its nothing but still! ;) :P Becky1507

New 'Pin'

Yes, theres a new pin. You might be thinking thats odd, a new one just came out a couple of days ago, well actually it isnt a proper pin.. Wear Rockhoppers key! I could write underneath the 'this weeks pin' thingy coz i cant be bothered to sign into the main account.. yeah, you have to do that to do it... Also we a releasing a video (i think...) to go on youtube. We have to put music on it first though.. If you want comment and tell us. Thats it.. I will be releasing a new members style, and Poly a non-members. Becky1507

Monday 28 April 2008

Where is she? by Al (Alice)

No people she isn't lost, I'm just looking for the post Gabby said she would post. I'm trying to think of a name for it... what about: The post which shoud of been posted on this blog made for posting, because a blog is made up of posts :S, OK people I need you to make a thing up. Leave it as a comment then put a name so we can put you in a post and say the winner is --- watever! Anyway as she hasn't posted and Becky did the last post, it is up to my Al (Alice) to make this post. Rockhoppers room is average, it's hard to get into there it's nearly always full, any way this is a picture of where to get the key (the key by the way is in Rockhopper's jurnel in the back, which is in the bookroom, which is in the coffee shop, which is in town) and a picture of the room. (NO FREE ITEAMS THERE THOUGH :( GRR!) HERE YOU ARE C2E (Click to enlarge):

Where is she?

No people she isnt lost, I'm just looking for the post Gabby said she would post. I'm trying to think of a name for it... what about: The post which shoud of been posted, but never was

Rockhoppers Key!

hello gabrielle here.. i found the key! it is in the book room. heres how to get it! 1. go to the book room 2. go to the very last page (not the cover) 3. click the key.. 4. go to the migrator and look! its amazin dudes! look at it! i dont think thats the new room though! gabrielle.. Searcherdude

Sunday 27 April 2008


Igloo of my Choice-

New feature, Igloo of my Choice.. IOMC is where I choose the best igloo out of my buddy list or the map and feature it and tell you exactly how much its worth. Heres todays igloo.. And a comlete inventory of its furniture: Back Yard Igloo, Disco Lights Floor, two disco speakers, two concert lights, a giant tv, a music box, two cd racks, 6 small christmas lights, two small pot plants, eight garden fences, two fire poles, three yellow camping chairs, three large palm trees, two green deck chairs, three security cameras, and a puffle (included and not icluded in the prices) And the total price of this igloo is... A WHOPPING 23910 COINS!! And it belongs to Penguin Lew, who looks like this: By Becky1507


Finding Rockhopper By Becky1507 Rockhopper Rockhopper is a red penguin with a black beard and a pirate hat.He comes every now and then and stays for one or two weeks. He has a red puffle called Yarr, who was the first puffle he found at Rockhopper Island. His pirate sign is not a skull and cross bones, but a crazy puffle with cross bones! Rockhopper was the first to find puffles, and then he brought them to Club Penguin for penguins to have as pets. That's Rockhopper but what about finding him? I have never found him myself but I know how to. He is really hard to find so maybe my tips will help you as well as me! 1. Rockhopper mostly goes on American servers, and mostly Parka but does go on some other realms and servers aswell. 2. Theres a way to find if Rockhopper is on. Type in the username Rockhopper and type in a password over four letters. If it says he is banned, he is online, if it says his password is wrong, then sorry, you wont find him now! 3. After you've done the online/offline test, go on a nearly full American server. If Parka isnt full but is nearly full, go on that. 4. Never go offline if some one says Rockhopper is in ____! Its a trick so another penguin will tell his friends so his friend tells the penguins in the room and then the server starts to gets empty for the penguin who started this... 5. And its totally ok to do what I just said. Trick other penguins into leaving! Its not a bad thing to do and anyway, it was only a joke.. (Wink, wink.. Cough, cough... Ahem, ahem..) Try all this but I am not promising that this will definately help you find Rockhopper.. Get with friends to search but discuss your plans in private.. And wear non-member clothes so no-one adds you... It distracts you.. Well good bye, and maybe you could make a uniiform for your gang... If you do make it unusual so that no-one can copy you and spy on you for your plans... Good, bye.. I have got to go because I neeeeeeeed to find Rockhopper! Bye! Becky1507

Saturday 26 April 2008

Video! Estelle American Boy

Ok maybs this wasnt in the next post but ya no what i mean :P Becky1507

Video! Estelle American Boy

Ok maybs this wasnt in the next post but ya no what i mean :P Becky1507

Friday 25 April 2008

Becky's Message to Alice

Alice! This is Urgent! (not really but..) Ok put some stuff about you on the side like Ive done.. Name it Alice and every thing... thanks.. Becky1507 PS To penguins.. Ive been planning to post for ages! I tried doing it earlier and the computer crashed so im doing it now.. Also theres a new feature on the side, called 'Latest Pin' Hope you like it! PSS Alice must do it aswell!! Becky1507 (once again!!)


Yes i havent been on in ages. keyboard died.. needed new batteries. back to cp! Rockhoppers back! Ok you may remember my picture from 2 parties.. if you seen it thisll help you remember and its also got a new pic! (its at the bottom!) Click to enlarge if you need to..
Ok alice said before we are getting a bit tired of writing click to enlarge.. So I am making a Shortened version... C2E. It sounds like some kind of gas to me but.. It is what it is.. So -- C2E.. And also theres like a treasure map thingy! Go to the Ski village and hover your mouse over the spade. Itll dig and a treasure chest will pop out! This is the pin.. Now go to the plaza.. Theres a sailors hat there. It looks like the barnicle boy hat of spongebob! And go to the beach. If you walk over to the boat a RH catalogue will open.. Theres a sailors shirt in there. I bet that shirt'll be super rare when its gone! And theres a rare pot plant ! Gettin that!! Got a vid to post also.. Especiall for Estelle fans! :P Yes American Boy is on the next post... :D:D I put a pic of the pin on the side so we dont need to post it.. Byye bye then! :D Becky1507

Hello? Is anybody there? By Alice

OK. This feels weird, we havn't posted in ages.... and it seems Becky is taking a break, 'cos shes the main poster. I'm the person who types long bits, and help tidy up some of the posts, it says to the side look >>>> Anyway today my club penguin membership ran out, but something weird happened.... When I went on, it took away my igloo, wouldn't let me do membery stuff, nor put on my clothes, which is normal, EXCEPT! When I went on it kept all the MEMBER clothes I was wearing before on me! People thought I was a real member when I wasn't lol. Anyway (again) When later I turned it off, on then later again went on. my clothes had all gone (all of them except my non-member ones duh) so I can't wear them. If I click them it brings up the 'OOPS THIS IS ONLY FOR MEMBERS WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU' thingy. So now I'm a plain non-member who no-one recondes...:( But it was good fun being a non-member CROSS member! Yay! :) :D. Oh and if you spot anymore glitches, secrets whatever, just leave a comment. We will mention you in our post ;). Anyway Bye!!! :P


I haven't posted in nearly a week! Wait! More than a week! I think.. This is so unlike me.. Yes, sorry, comp was messed.. Wireless keyboard ran out of batery.. And also we watch too much tv.. The computer is the tv so its a bit hard to watch tv and go on the computer.. Wel actually its impossible!
Well, back to CP!
Main events:
Rockhoppers back.. You may have seen my picture post ages ago from rockhopper parties.. Well theres the fall fair, the st patty's day and also now theres the rockhopper party!

Sunday 20 April 2008

:( Cheats

Ok... I dont like the new site thing... I prefer the old one... Heres a glitch that you can try though!
Right click on the home page and click 'Show All' (This option only appears when the html format is using

Saturday 19 April 2008

New site new stuff! By Alice, yeh!

Yo people! Some great things have happened on CP today, yay! I thought that you probally don't want to read through pages of stuff so i made pics today, oh and the comic I planned to make is gonna have to be delayed 'cos we were on a trip in France, yay (again...)! So here are the pics, and I want to say something, I AM NOT GONNA TYPE CLICK TO ENLARGE ON EVERY PIC LIKE WE HAVE DO! You should know that people, that is unless you never did IT or are to young for school or somethin.... anyway I'll tell you now, CLICK TO ENLARGE! lol...: OH AND THIS POST GOT A BIT MIXED UP WITH THE WORDS AND PICS SO YOU CAN TRY AND MATCH UM UP OK LOL! EVENTS! CLICK TO ENLARGE!! AT LAST PEOPLE! THEY MADE SECURITY CAMERAS I WAS GETTIN SICK OF PENGUINS BRAKING IN! HOPE THE CAMERA DOES RECORD.... THE HIDDEN ITEAM CONCERT LIGHTS IS NO LONGER HIDDEN AND NOW IS IN THE CLEARENCE!! :O HERE IS A REALY COOL PIC IN THE PAPER!! A NEW IGLOO! BUT YOU WANNA KNOW WHATS REALLY COOL? THE BRAND NEW SITE PAGE!!! TOOK ME AGES THIS POST, HOPE YOU LIKE IT ALICE!!!


Ok, i have done it! I have reached my 10000 aim! And i also got an extra 11 coins so thats good too!
Can you do better? Comment me and let me know!
I did the picture site and accidently posted one of this on there (if ya no what a mean, man)
Ok here is some pics as proof... Ballistic Biscuit is the best! I prefer the old name.. :(

Saturday 12 April 2008

Bad eyes!

LOL! This penguin has got... Yes.. His puffle is made of leaves and his puffle has a square wheel on his unicycle! I put a little arrow

Friday 11 April 2008


I will make a picture site and any pictures that i dont put on this blog will be on the site.. actually it will just be another blog but only pictures.. Hope youll like it!!
Heres all about the stage show called:
As you can see it is called Quest for the Golden Puffle.
Heres the things you can do on the:
Click on it even if its the right size and see what happens!
The first switch: Makes the crocs open there mouths! (See pic 1)
The second swith: Makes the snowball boogy trap to work! (pic 2)
The blue button: The small bridge breaks! (pic 3)
The black button: The lions nose falls off! (pic 4)
The red button: Makes the bigger bridge break! (pic 5)
The third switch: Makes a penguin in a cart fly accross the 'sky'! (pic 6)
The fourth switch: Makes the mummy coffin open!
The yellow lever: Changes the puffle on the wall
Ok I have to say, this film reminds me of Indiana Jones! Not the one called the last crusade tho.. one of the other ones...

Comics! by Alice

Ok people! Becky will be posting some pics below so please look at them! I'm in some of them!!!! Any way I have made some pics here they are! Click to enlarge the pics! Click to enlarge the pics!


Here is all of us doing the lassos! I must say its quite fun just standing there waving a peice of rope! I know how to do it in real life! lol. Also i got to post some stuff about the stage.. Thats coming up! From Becky 1507 ...


Nearly there! 9152!! Thats how many coins I have! Just another 848! Then ill have 10000!! Im goin to earn it now and update you soon! Becky1507


New stage play is on! The crocodile on the avert was the one in front! Its all to do with the wild west type of thing and cow boys... the old lasso is available now. and a wig with a hat. Theres likepyramids with all boogey traps..
and theres a pyramid pin in the book room... See below....
Well thats all... becky1507

Thursday 10 April 2008


Hi people!, Me and Becky went round Gabbys today. We played then went swimming and when we came back, we watched stuff on youtube. Gab showed us this thing called 'Wassup' (make sure you type it in!) and we just messed around and made our own. You won't see it tho... lol! Make sure you read Beckys post below.


Here is some links for the catalogues and news!
From Becky1507

Wednesday 9 April 2008

New comic!

Hello there is a new comic out in Fun Stuff! It's called Gary needs a Holiday!
I think its the best one!
Cheese 3000! tastes of cheese and ink!

New comic!

Hello there is a new comic out in Fun Stuff! It's called Gary needs a Holiday!
I think its the best one!


Finally we got a new member! And she says ' we like teasing penguins and being mean to them, it is fun...' As you can see she is really kind! :P Also i have a rockhopper guide for you!! welcome becky1507


hiya clubpenguin all of us have it poly penguin(Alice) Becky 1507(Rebecca) Seacherdude(me) we all like it and go on it all the time and we love it we play hide and seek teese penguins and be meen to them it is fun and i love it. Rebecca made mine for me and now i am a member and i love it. so thx becky ,and thx alice for bein on when i want her to and bein a gd friend :D

Ok! By Alice

Just a post to let you know I'm still on this blog! Becky has made a Member fashion (see below) and I made a Non Member fashion, (see below the below post!). I made a Non Member fashion even though I'm a Member, because I know it is so annoying when people wear the same things as you. At partys for instence, if the free iteam was something like a Green scarf, every Non-Member would probally be wearing it! So here is a tip to be noticed: TIP: To stand out in the crowd, wear lots of different clothes, and make fashions. If you have only just started club penguin and want a free iteam, go to the coffee shop, the the book room (click the stairs) and click the book on the bottom of your screen. Choose the book 'Rockhopper and the sto-away' and flick to the end of the book. There is a braclet. Click it and you get it and you get to have it!!!!! From Alice!!!!!!!!!


Im so bored. I thought i woulld make a guide on Rockhopper for you! ok.. Rockhopper

Tuesday 8 April 2008


Hello! This is fashion update by becky1507!! Ok, whats in this summer?? Theres some old items and new items! Well firstly.. The summer dress and purse: Yellow stuff always goes well with a hat! My extremular fashion is: -Penguin Band Hoodie - From an old stage show -Pink Summer Purse - In the catalogue right now! -Christmas Scarf - You can get this at the christmas party. Nonmembers item* -White Hat - From an old catalogue *Non-members item. Please wear one of these to show its not that bad being a non-member! Also start a campaign on cp saying 'Wear a members item' Hers a pic:

The chrismas scarf is good!

Also Gabrielle might be joining us as an occasional Post-er.

Thats all from me and have fun!

Waddle on!


Monday 7 April 2008

Fashions By Alice

Ok all you non-members I have made you a fishion here it is:

Just Saying...

Just saying that Ive noticed something. 3000? Thats the end bit of a title to a CP game... 3000? Thats the end bit of a title to a Effects box at the stage! They are both 3000! Pizzatron 3000 and the Switchbox 3000! Ok now! I will tell you the events coming up! Theres some secret ones that arent in the news paper! -A Brand New Mission! -The Return of Rockhopper! -Book Room Update! -New Igloo! -New Room! And the news paper events: April: - 7th - Aqua Grabber Upgrade (today) - 11th - New play at the Stage - New pin hidden - 18th - New furniture Catalogue And also some items comig out.. (i got this of another site! Im not a cheater!) Bling-Bling Medallion (member item) Skate Board (member item) Angel Halo (free item) Cement Shoes (member item) Orange Jumper (member item) Ear ring (I am not sure what this is.. Probably a member item) Becky1507

Saturday 5 April 2008


Heres some more stuff that happened.
Ill try and post EVERYTHING that happened with just a few pics at the end.
Okay.. Theres an article about Aunt Arctic. She being promoted!

Friday 4 April 2008

Oh! Lots!

Lots of things have happened on Club Penguin!
Click to enlarge the images below if they come out small! Well heres what they are!
1. The new poll, out yesterday. 'What was you favorite part of March?' Definately the new games!
2. There's going to be a new game in each news paper. This week is WordSearch. Answers below!
3. Nearly there! The ship is saying how much we've done and how much we got to do. See the red line to find out!
4. Operation: 'Swab the Deck' How should we contact Rockhopper? Bit gutted. You dont get to vote! :( Ring Bells? Fire Works? Giant Snowball? Defo Giant Snow ball!! But how is it gunna help, may i ask?
5. New script at the Stage! Something to do with Crocs? mmm...
6. You Win! Collect the pearls and dodge the fish! As soon as you find the treasure you win! 100 coins! You see mullet! You dont get any prize..
Well theres a bit more but thats all im gunna post!
PS Pictures Below!!

Thursday 3 April 2008

New comic strip by Alice

I made a new comic strip. I have also posted the old one, the staring penguins in the first one are me and Gabby, here it is: NEW COMIC STRIP DON'T FORGET. CLICK TO ENLARGE! The penguins staring this are me and Becky! THE OLD COMIC STRIP AGAIN CLICK TO ENLARGE!

Wednesday 2 April 2008


Well it sure has been an exiting April and I havent collected all the pictures i wanted! Im a bit gutted but i got a few... I loved the idea of the pants going round instead of chairs! They shoud sell some stuff from that party becky1507

Tuesday 1 April 2008

April Fools!!

There are many strange and weird things in the April Fools party! In nearly every room there is something very different! Ski Village: The Ski Lodge is made to look like its drawn in Microsoft Paint! The Winter Sports shop has negative colours Theres pants instead of Ski Chairs on the ski lift! The mountain opens up to an April Fools sign! Hovver your mouse over the trees and it says Happy Trees! :S Beach: It looks like the Light House is a peice nof teared paper. Theres a sink where the Save the Migrator Project should be. The floating balloons pop! Dock: Slide SUPER FAST over the ice and bounce! Town: The signs change when you hovver your mouse over them! The coffee shop is actually drawn and coloured in. The Dance Club is all pixelly and computery. The Gift Shop is like a tree rubbing. (rubbing a pencil over the tree bark to get the print) Ski Forts: The forts are all messed up and the flag poles are in knots! The clock writing is like hand writing and the days are spelt backwards! It says SUPER DUPER RINK. Plaza: The Petshop is all flat colour and no texture. The Pizza Parlor is £ Dimensional! (3D.. Said it to make my post longer!) The ballooons pop! Forest & Cove: The forest is upside down! The trees in the Cove do a Mexican Wave Wiggle when you hovver over the 'Gnarly Waves' sign! Hovver over the rock to lift it up and reveal a sign! Open it again and the sign is squished! Mine & Iceberg & Dojo Do a dot-to-dot and the mine shack will come back to what it normally is. The Iceberg is a bucket of ice! You can walk on the walls! All the arrow signs spin when you hovver over them! The propeller hat is in the Ski Village and the Swirly Glasses in the water at the Cove! Also the pin appears when you do the dot-to-dot at the mine. I think all the party is a really great idea and its the best party yet! I dont think anything can beat it except next years party and maybe not even that! I think every one is enjoying the party and thats all from me! Becky1507


Anyway people! Got a LOOOOOOONG post coming up!! Becky1507