Thursday, 31 July 2008
I have a weird feeling
i have a weird feeling about this. look at the post below. it says it is by me. but it isnt. weird. i am not using caps as normal coz im in a hurry.
and look closely. thats not even Xminipolo! the font is different and smaller.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
From Poly, Searcher and Xminipolo
da party and other things
The Party is cool and the pin is cool there is a red guitar in the i of music i want the black guitar to be their instead i really want that guitar Gr... still the party is kwl i love it poly penguin's b-day is soon poly is looking forward Becky 1507's b-day has gone i have a plan that we r going to party at poly's igloo yay for poly woo hoo happy about that and the music festival there are maracas and a t-shirt the t-shirt is cool they do the t-shirt more now the first t-shirt was the rockhopper is back one thing that was ok i didnt like it that much ok keep on going on cphelpers to look at all our stuff
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
200th, NOT!
I was mistaken! This is the 199th post! Now I have a shorter wait! 3 days! That still seems like a million years to me but I'll update my other blog to help me get over it....
Heres a picture:
Thats it really! I'll keep on editing in this post to make myself happy!
Oh yeah, CLICK HERE to see my other blog!
Becky 1507 Peice Out!
Monday, 28 July 2008
200 post
Before we do a post, I wan to say, keep checking back, there will be loads more on this post!
Club Penguin Story- The Club Penguin power cut
I doubt you know about the power cut of club penguin.
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Penguin Break!
The penguin band is currently taking a break! They deserve it! They were playing at 4 this morning!
I was on my new penguin while noticing that...
And when you do the Maraca Dance (!) Or you may just call it playing the maracas, you are actually doing the Hula Dance but faster and holding maracas...
Peice Out
Ummm... This is our 199th post.. Yeah, we are saving the 200th until Friday when we are all together... But I don't know how Im going to manage... 4 days with out doing a post.. I'm going to cry. PS We kind of thought about moving.. No more on that coz it CONFIDENTIAL. Oh poop, 4 days!
The pengin band are taking a break from playing at the iceberg and are going round the servers giving out backgrounds! I need to find them!
It kind of sounds like CP Hit Them.. :D But it actually stands for Club Penguin Helpers In The News.
Heres the whole series since we started this!
I havent put S6... Maybe later...
Becky1507 Peice out
Saturday, 26 July 2008
CPH In the News!
Heres my series of CPH in the news...
Oh, dont worry about it.. I will post it tomorrow if I can... If not the next day.. Check out Poly post a few posts down for S7! (Series 7)
PS Peice Out!
Rockhopper penguins are like the penguins off Surfs Up. The only one I can remember is Cody. Well other than the massive yellow eyelashes, we are Rockhopper Penguins...
Yeah we look a bit different but please remember, Club Penguin is animated...
Uhh.. Yeah. Peice Out!!
I found out how Rockhopper got his name. I am doing a mini project on penguins.. Its a holday thing because I get really bored.. Well anyway. I went on this Info site and heres the peice of info it gave me:
Rockhopper penguins build their nests on steep rocky areas. To get there, they hold both feet together and bounce from ledge to ledge (imagine Winnie the Pooh's Tigger with wings and you've got the idea). These birds can bounce up to 5 feet!
Thats it really.. And just to say the Music Jam is 'Jammin''
Peice Out!
'D' 'A' 'N' 'C' 'E'!
In the disco the night club floor flashes letters.. They spell out the word 'DANCE'!
I took ages to write the title of this post coz i kept on messing up! lol
PS I need to sleep! Its 11 am but im shattered! :(
Friday, 25 July 2008
I'm back!
Ok The trick of this game is play it for ages..
Ok, click as many buttons as you can and make him move his arms in the air as much as possible! Then do that for about 7 minutes and click the X button..
Where is Poly??
Ok, where is Poly Penguin...? She hasn't posted in ages! Since the 17th! I knowit is only eight days but thats not right for her.. I havent spoken to her on msn in quite a bit but she left me an offline message saying 'back' on msn...
I will try ringing her... She isnt answering.. I wonder where she is...
She will probably post today or tomorrow coz of the party but.. Y'no.
Music Jam!
Woah! Have you seen this place!
Its coo-wul!!
Uhh.. Wow.. A hard one.. Which is my favorite room?? Uh.. The Dojo! Check it out! Its cool! (And pretty annoying coz there is another '3000')
Ok heres what to do....
Turn your volume up right to the top on your computer* and click the applause button as fast as you can loads! It gets really loud!!
*If your volume doesnt work I suugest you go to the back of your system unit and check the 'line in' 'line out' leads... There'll be red and white on the line in, put the plug thingys of that color into the right holes... Then on Line Out do the same.. NOW TURN YOUR VOLUME UP!! (If you dont have a lead I suggest you get one coz you are missing out big time on this one!)
Oh and what I find really annoying is:::
Yeah, he is wearing shoes!! Thats annoying! Or maybe he has a rare flipper disease that turns your flippers orange and white, but that is very unlikely! HE IS WEARING SHOES!!!!!!!
Well check out all the rooms coz most of them are decorated! I like the mine with the musical icicles! And the pool with the piano! (Tip: Turn the leaver on the side to change to all penguins.. So you can hear what other pwnguins are rubbishly trying to make! :D
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Snowdobby's banner!
Here is SD's banner.. If you want it save it and put it on your blog! Just click on the pictur to get to his site! (I hyperlinked it!)
Check out his site for the real one coz the computer is having a problem with uploading the picture...
But I made this one..
If it is hard to read it says:
Visit NOW!!
Click on it to go to Snow Dobbys site...
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
hi there
Hi guys! it is me, searcherdude. i haven't posted in ages! i am looking forward to the music festival. i don't know what i am going to wear but i bought a electric guitar. the pink one. instead of a old boring one. i bought it so i can rock out!!! searcherdude is more of a guitar penguin.. she loves to rock out! penguins say there is going to be a new game in the night club... looking forward to that game! i wonder what the free item in the party will be.. the band would be at the ice berg this time if you are looking for them.. last time they were in the night club, now they will be ice berg. it says in the news paper the green puffle has been moved to the ice rink so he can play ice hockey but he hogs the puck so you can't really play with him but he has been moved i prefur him in the ice rink cause insted of him just jumping up and down all day he can move round and play! cp said they would move him back! :(:(
PS: heres a pic of when the Pizzatron game came out.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Changes, and a real mystery Spot the Difference!!
This is a real mystery! Look, I played Spot the Difference! It's weird! C2E (Click to Enlarge)
Woah.. Becky1507...
If you look the top picture has a like a white outline round the pushy buttony slidey thingy.. :S
Oh my! Weird!
I was really shocked by this...
Thats my post saying about the new game.. Look at the picture!
Now look at this...
Woah.. The one in the picture isgreen! The one in the post is BLUE!!
Im really Shocked!
Who hacked Emibags?
This is the second time Emibags has been hacked. She has been deleted twice now... This is so annoying! And her penguin has been hacked about 5 times!!
I actually posted to say We Have Made A New Header!!
Our new sign is a tour guide hat...
To Poly Penguin, Searcherdude and Xminipolo.. Save this and when ever you take a screen shot put it ontop!
I smell!
haha emibags has been hacked and is soon to be deleted by herself! haha the hacker is me! i know emibags and she doesnt like me anymore but she hangs round with these four other people! yeh she ditched me. well it is pay bak tym. hehe
from emibags' hacker
My coins for change picture...
Mix Master!
Ok.. Screenhog announced the new game today! He did not mention the name but I know what it is going to be called!!! It is going to be called Mix Master and knowing Club Penguin it's probably going to have 3000 or something on the end! But I actually think it going to be 2, 20, 200 or 2000 on the end.. Or 2222.. Anything with a 2!
The game is going to be permanent, so hopefully it will have a good amount of coins you can win easily! I just gotta say, it better not be on of them memory ones where they do 2 note and you copy then they do 7 notes and you copy, 'cause they REALLY annoy me! I'm good at them but I hate them! I bet it is going to be one of them...
Well, heres some of the things I learnt from the post and the comments...
- It is permanent!
- It is called Mix Master
- You 'make' music...
- It is coming on the date of the Party! (I already knew that!)
- It is in the Night Club! (Obviously....)
- Thats about it but notice in the picture it says Fever! I looked at Watex's site coz I knew he would of noticed it!!
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Snowdobby Likes SPONGEBOB!!!
I emailed Snowdobby and asked him a few questions... I was actually the first one to know he got his site back but I didnt know I knew!!
Here's my Email to Snowdobby
Hello Snowdobby! You rule!
Will you be able to be my buddy for one minute coz I want to make a picture!
And why do you sometimes not answer when I speak to you on msn? My account is **Blocked out email address!!** on msn though... Becky1507
PS Those hackers arent doing verywell with your site! They havvent updated it in weeks! Make a new site!
PSS Do you like Spongebob?
Snowdobby's Email back to me!
Ok I Can be your buddy since I can have up to 200 buddies with the new update!
PS. I got my site back!
PSS Is it safe to answer that?? Yeshhhhh... :D
I dont know why I'm so exited about him liking Spongebob, he said he would be my buddy!!!
Oh yeah and...
My Email back to Snowdobbys email back to me (:S)
Cool! When should we meet up on CP then??
And Im waiting for a reply!
And im gunna upload a pic coz then when I enter it actually works!!
Happy, Sad, Exited and definately Snowdobby!!
I am happy! Because the Music Jam is in 5 days! I cant wait! There is a sneek peek of the Forest on the CP Blog!
I am sad... CPIP is shutting down! They opened it for some new features and now its time is up.. Maybe we will see you again someday good friend... Byebye for Wednesday!
I am exited!! To tell you the Snowdobby part! And the music jam!!
I am Snowdobby!!!! (Not really! It's a sense of emotion!) Snowdobby got his site back!!!! I bet he has deleted his cousin as an author! I knew he could do it!!
Woah! Full week, even though it is a small post!!!
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Did you know..?
Ok, it's been tested 5 times by me (OK, maybe 4...) by me!
In the town, I get a buddy request every 2 minutes... Even more when I'm in the ghost suit!! Thats about 1 request every 1.5 minutes when I am wearing the ghost suit!
It's weird how people want to be your buddy because you are dressed nicely, cool-ly or weirdly! They judge you on how you dress..
I dont want anymore buddies than the people I know and some penguins that are really nice... It's not that I'm a mean person its just I find it quite funny thinking of the other penguin opening up this thing and seeing I said no! If you see me say hello, and send me a yellow flower.. That way I'l know you have been on my blog... :)
Also add any of us! I am on most, Poly Penguin is next and then Searcherdude.. Xminipolo is sometimes on CP but I don't think she has enough time to go on alot.. And searcherdude doesnt write many posts on this blog.. Thats why they are called agents...
Also, I found this blog (wordpress) that is starting up.. Its all about Club Penguin & Spongebob and is called Spongebob Penguinpants! Cool name!
The link is i think...
Thats it for now
Neon and Bricks! Anything!!
If you want your name in glitter, printed on some chocolate, hollywood style sign or loads more tell me! Here's what I can do...
Your name:
- Hollywood sign style (Your name on the hill instead of 'hollywood'!)
- Chocolate (have your name printed on a peice of chocolate!)
- Have your name written in Glitter! (Simple! No need to explain!)
- Have your name written on a scoreboard in a sports pitch next to a pizza penguin!
- Neon (Your name written in Neon)
- Wanted! (Your name written on a wanted sign with a basic penguin as the picture)
- Blackboard (Have your name written in chalk on a black board!)
- Your name on a key!
- Your name and penguin on a cereal box!
- Giant Cookie! (your name on a giant cookie!)
- Ticket! (Your name on a ticket to a concert or whatever!!)
- Your name on a big boat
- Your name on a plane banner
- Military dog tags! (have your name on a military style dog tag!
Here are the examples:
PS If you want one with your picture email me telling me with an attachment! Email anyway or just comment!
PSS Do my quiz below!!!
Friday, 18 July 2008
Well.. This week.. Jam-packed with EXITING and Annoying things!
My first thing is the green puffle! Well.. Heres maybe what happened.. Maybe he knew penguins were going to build a stage here and wanted to avoid the fuss and have some fun instead.. Or maybe he is just bored of sitting on a speaker all day...
I came accross this penguin on CP.. Jim Jam 24 is a hacker.. If you see him delete him!
PS I love his color and his guitar!!
Random Quiz
Heres a Random Quiz I put together for you...
Research the answers...
- What is the name of the Cuckoo Bird in the Ski Lodge?
- What is the name of the crab who broke the window in the cave?
- What is the name of the yellow fish?
- What is the name of the Big Orange Fish!
- What does the big orange fish like to eat?
- Name 4 things from Club Penguin, from parties and places, with 3000 in their name.
- Who broke the clock in the Snow Forts?
- What year was Club Penuin made?
- What was before Club Penguin?
- Who owns Club Penguin now?
- What item is hidden in EVERY clothing catalog...
- True or False: The Sports Shop and Gift Shop used to be the same with the same catlogs.
- What color was the Propellor Hat at the 2008 April Fools Party, White and _____...
- Why was Aqua Grabber made?
- Who is on the Club Penguin coin? (me! Only joking!)
- What is the name of the Club Penguin coin?
- What colour puffle catches on fire?
- Name one reason why you should ban a penguin.
- How old have you got to be to be a tour guide?
- How old have you got to be to be a Secret Agent?
- What colour is Searcherdude?
- What color is Xminipolo
- What colour is Snowdobby?
- What item was given for taking part in CPIP?
- What item was given for Club Penguins 2nd Anniversary?
- Where was the 2nd Anniversary party held?
- If you use the find button and it says 'This Penguin is on an Adventure' what does it mean?
- What is my favorite item?
- How is the Clock in the Snow Forts powered?
- What colour are the non-members puffles?
- How many puffles are there?
- In mission 2 what is the secret word? (That isnt actually a word)
- What colour is thesign for the slope Penguin Run?
- What are the signs for on the sign post on the Mountain?
- When there was a flood, where were the free mining hats?
- How many Lifeguard chair are there in Club Penguin (not including furniture items)
- What was the first Club Penguin pin ever??
- The Buoys in the Lighthouse and Beach.. What numbers are on them?
- What can't you jump over in Hydro Hopper / Ballistic Biscuit? (I prefer Ballistic Biscuit!)
- What is the only building you can see from the Iceberg?
- True or False: Poly Penguin is older than Becky1507....
Try to get all these right and email the answers to me at
Sooty The Puffle
OMG This is an amazing video!
And that video is to celebrate the new puffle called Sooty! And did you know puffles send you post cards! If it gets hungry he will ask you to feed him! And The pet shop sent me a card saying thank you for adopting Sooty (my puffle, named after my rabbit) How cool! He has been for many walks in his our of being mine and we even lost him! He didnt load when I opened my igloo! Becky1507
And that video is to celebrate the new puffle called Sooty! And did you know puffles send you post cards! If it gets hungry he will ask you to feed him! And The pet shop sent me a card saying thank you for adopting Sooty (my puffle, named after my rabbit) How cool! He has been for many walks in his our of being mine and we even lost him! He didnt load when I opened my igloo! Becky1507
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Coulour me in!!
Colour me in! Change this penguin to the colour of your penguin and put it on your site! No credit needed but if possible put our site!
I was cleaning out and...
Ok, before I do this post, I need to say,look below, cos Becky has done a post about us in the news paper! Anyway, onto my post. I was cleaning me computar of old stuff, when.... Look what I found! Who knows how long this pictures have been stuck on my PC?! C2E
Becky1507 above ^^^
Me (Poly Penguin) is above ^^^
Xminipolo is above ^^^
Searcherdude is above^^^
You should get this ceral its great!!^^^
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