Saturday, 19 July 2008

Neon and Bricks! Anything!!

If you want your name in glitter, printed on some chocolate, hollywood style sign or loads more tell me! Here's what I can do...
Your name:
  1. Hollywood sign style (Your name on the hill instead of 'hollywood'!)
  2. Chocolate (have your name printed on a peice of chocolate!)
  3. Have your name written in Glitter! (Simple! No need to explain!)
  4. Have your name written on a scoreboard in a sports pitch next to a pizza penguin!
  5. Neon (Your name written in Neon)
  6. Wanted! (Your name written on a wanted sign with a basic penguin as the picture)
  7. Blackboard (Have your name written in chalk on a black board!)
  8. Your name on a key!
  9. Your name and penguin on a cereal box!
  10. Giant Cookie! (your name on a giant cookie!)
  11. Ticket! (Your name on a ticket to a concert or whatever!!)
  12. Your name on a big boat
  13. Your name on a plane banner
  14. Military dog tags! (have your name on a military style dog tag!

Here are the examples:

PS If you want one with your picture email me telling me with an attachment! Email anyway or just comment!
PSS Do my quiz below!!!

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