Friday, 30 May 2008
Woah! Lots has happened today!
Tomorrow is our 100th Post Party!! I also found out about MY membership... Also, Books, Pins, Styles and maybe more...
100th Post Party-
Hello! Our real life 100th Post Party is tomorrow! Unfotunately, I couldn't get hold of Searcher.. So if she doesn't call tomorrow.. No Searcherdude! Our CP Party will be about two days after the 100th post.. I will try get some people (good people! not us...) to come...
My Expiration-
Might have a party for the expiration of my membership... The date is 26th June, so if I have one itll be on the 25th... Again, I'll try get some good people to come...
The new books out! Apparently the puffles adventure made them laugh! I thought it was plain weird! FREAKYY!! The agent ones the best! I thought it was amazing! For my thoughts on the third book, read my thoughts on the first book!
The pin has been moved to on top of the boxes in the boiler room coz the partys ended!
I got a new style.. Ill post it tomorrow!
xxx Good night United Kingdom! Bedtime!
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Heres a poem thats not true:
I loved my puffles,
they were so puffley,
I miss my puffles cute little cuffles!
Whatever they are!!
Puffley, Puffley, Puffley,
They were so puffley,
Cute, cute, cute,
The black one matched my suit!!
OMG! I see a puffle! But it isnt mine!
People ask if Im ok, I just say Im fine!
But Im not!
I miss my puffles,
One married a pot!
Or was that me?? (yes)
I Really Miss My Puffles,
And Their Cute Little Cuffles!
Byebye Pompom, byebye Blush,
Its Ok now, just you Hush!
Byye bye Tufty, Byebye Yummie,
You will never again have an empty tummy! (I didnt feed them)
Byebye TuttiFrutti, Byebye Goldie Locks,
You will soon have nice warm socks!
And last of all, Byebye Sooty,
You were such a little cutey!!
Its not true! I only miss Sooty! Heres a pic to go with the song:
Idea! 85
This should be the 85th post! We cant post too fast now coz I have an idea so the 100th Post will have to wait!
My idea is that on our 100th post, we should all be there for it... So what I'm saying is, lets all go round someones house and post it then! When we are all together! Not over msn!!
We'll try and arrange that!
My mind is telling me to buy a new puffle, but I say NO!! NEVER!!
Now whenever we type a post we should type in the title at the end, the number of the post! See in mine it says 85, coz its our 85th post!
We'll have it as a countdown then!
Ill just see if Poly is on msn... Ill discuss things with her...
Thanks for reading!
PS Going to play Puffle Round up! Wonder if Ill see my puffles there...
Bye bye puffles!! 84th
My puffles ran away! I went online and it went:
Pompom has ran away.. Blah blah I click ok then a few more messages came up saying:
(ill start again:)
I was like ok ok ok!! In order thats: Blue, Red (named after the bird we saw on hols!), Black (named after my rabbit!), Yellow, Green, purple (named after the chewing gum flavour i had that day..), Pink!
Yeah sorry to the people who love puffles... IM GLAD!! They are too much responsability! I was thinking of having like 4 black ones! I like them! But itd be like: Ive taken the black one for a walk, now the black one.. Which one? and you would have to check all their player cards!
Thatd be a bit annoying...
No more puffles now! Not even a yellow one called Spongebob! Or a pink one called Patrick! Or a blue one called Squidward, or a red one called Mr. Krabbs! That is quite a good idea now! But no!! Tempting but no! :)
Games.. (84th POst I think???)
My guide to games! Read:
Ice Fishing:
Rating: 6/10
Speed: Slow...
It is: Fun! But then it gets boring!
Its a cool game. Couldnt play it twice in a row! Too long!
Jet Pack Adventure:
Rating: 7/10
Speed: Slow
It is: Challenging! Gets quite hard...
Its fun and a bit hard in some places! Get no coins at all to earn 1000 coins!!
Sled Racing:
Rating: 9/10
Speed: Fast!
It is: Fun and quick but doesn't earn you alot!
Its fun and a fast game... You earn 20 coins at the most!!
Find Four:
Rating: 4/10
Speed: Depends...
It is: Fun to beat your friends at!
It is slow when the two people are very good.. Or very bad.. Fast when ones rubbish!
Rating: 4/10
Speed: Depends
It is: Confusing!!
You earn your score in coins. Its quite confusing unless youve played it LOADS! Unlike me!
Ballistic Biscuit / Hydro Hopper:
Rating: 9/10
Speed: Slow, if you last long
It is: Quite a good game!
Jump alot because jumping over things helps you earn money!
Bean Counters:
Rating: 8/10
Speed: Slow.. (Fast for me coz I die!!)
It is: Easy on the first three levels then I die!
No more to say! Except: Try to catch anvils and fish!! :)
Burnt Out bulbs: 10/10: Slow: Get the bonus coins!!
My puffle: 7/10: Slow: Get the bonus coins! Do the other book! Its better!
Thin Ice:
Rating: 8/10
Speed: Slow
It is: Hard to get every single square but Still have a go!
Astro Barrier:
Rating: 7/10
Speed: Slow, depends..
It is: Fun but doesnt earn you much
Puffle Roundup! (My fave game!)
Rating: 10/10
Speed: Fast or Slow...
It is: Very fun! Earns you loads! I earned 5000 from it in like 10 minutes!! Quit when you like! Aim to not let the puffle escape! Go out of the screen and scare them in coz otherwise you scare them out!
Rating: 7/10
Speed: Slow...
It is: Annoying! Nothing more to say!
Catchin Waves:
Rating: 8/10
Speed: Slow
It is: Fun a first but it gets annoying!! Like pizzatron
Cart Surfer:
Rating: 10/10
Speed: Super speedy carty fast! (sorry! Out burst of exitement over nothing!)
It is: A great way to earn quick money in small amounts! I usually get 300 coins each go!
I think thats all the games!! Now Apparently this is our 84th Post! Ooooh! More on puffles in a sec ! (85th!! HEE HEE!)
Hope this helps with your game playing! I need to buy a new puffle! Actually no..
No win!
I didnt win.. Im a bit chuffed about that! I took ages writing that! :@:@
Games coming up... (??? Youll see!)
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Did you know... by The Team
I looked at how many posts we had and it said 80! Now because of this post we have 81. I'm sure Becky will post one so that will make 82. And I'll try and get Searcher to do one to. (we don't like to use our real names, so we use our CP ones). Also we might do more than one today. So what am I saying all this for? Well that means only a few more till our 100th post!!! Thats quite a good number you know! And when that post comes, we are going to do an extra long one, with a bit from all of us (even Gabby!), and we will have a party on CP (club penguin), and we will make a post full of pictures the day after. And maybe more! So come on that sound good to me!
From the whole team, The CPH- The Club Penguin Helpers
Monday, 26 May 2008
the 1st thing is sorry i didn't right 4 so longand just to say look at the pic below the cp party was awesome i am entering the competition i hope i win i sooo want the money me (seacherdude) alice (poly penguin) and rebecca (becky 1507) have done some vidios they were fun the cave ius my fave place with the dragon alice (poly penguin) called it gorge it was good but it is over now i hope i win the competition
Our picture : made by Poly:::
Cool words!
Here are some true things that I found out about 5 mins ago...
I was maarying the pot in the gold room and I tried to say, ''Stay here pot while I slide down the coins to me my true love!'' But all it could fit was ''Stay here pot while i slide down the coins to me' And I went to the top of the coin pile while saying it and it shook! Try it! In any room!
No video!
Yeah! No video! I left it over night to upload and it still hasnt uploaded! I'm on a different computer now so I cant try again!!
THE PARTY'S STILL ON!!! Omg! I think CP have an error coz it was meant to end.. umm... yesterday!
Also, pretty cool cheat I found! How to get a party all day after the closing date..
In the UK, clubpenguins midnight is 4.00am.. in reall life I mean.. So when four oclock strikes on cp its 12 oclock (midnight) in the uk in real life!! So sign in before 4 am, (as if!) and stay online all day to get the party all day!! Pretty cool! I still havent posted the pictures... I will now..
Sunday, 25 May 2008
We are making anotheer video.. It is uploading as I speak.. I mean type..
Its from the medeival party... All the rooms that are decorated are in it.. It makes a good memory album thingy...
Trash my other one, this one is better! It has poly in it!
Its called 'Medeival Memories'
Ill post it when its finishe uploading anyway..
Also, I'm wondering if Puffle names can be taken...?? I wouldnt thinnk so...
New banner
Im thinking of gettin us a new banner.. I'll have to check with Poly though...
Fish Paste is on hold for a bit coz it involves all three of us and theres rarely a time when all 3 of us are online at the same time.. We're workin on it..
And.. OMG THE PARTYS STILL ON!!! More news later... I made the other part of the vid..
Is anything happenng on cp tomorrow? I have a feeling there is... Ill have to check..
it ends here!
Ok? The medvalparty endstoay! M eyboard hasbok aan!!
grr! onscreen keyboard!
Ok, the medeival partyended today!
i made a video but it messed up just as I was about to do the underground! they were the best rooms aswell!!
I managed to get some pics though!
heres the vid tho...
I cant wait to hear the winners for thewriting contest! I hope I've won... Also, the campaign im doing will have to be on hold. I have all the details on my other computer! Its a total suprise and I'm going to show CP if it goes well!
Also, peoplewho avent decorated yourigloo, you are still in luck.. cpsometimes accidently add in a not-deorated igloo to the winner. i hope its me!! lol! That'd be good! MOOOONNEEEEYY!!
hmmm. ill post the pics in the next post...
therell be some offother sites.. but mostly my own..
ps my mouse is messin up now!! :@
Saturday, 24 May 2008
New Feature!
Check out our new feature! Its so you can look at the New Events on CP whenever you want!
Also Im going to do a campaign about puffles! Check that outin the post above!
P.S.: My keyboard broke again! :(
Friday, 23 May 2008
3000 AGAIN!!
Club penguin like 3000's... Heres some pictures of 30o0's for you:
I think there is also one in the mission for the eye test thing that lets you into the gadget room.. And in the gadget room on the latest mission theres a something 3000 that freezes and burns stuff.. And there are probably many more.. I couldnt find a picture of Pizzatron that is small enough so i made one...
Also I got some funny pics with me as a fish!
I bought the fish costume about five minutes ago!!
Yeh by Poly
There is new stuff in the cataloge.
Click the pink castle and you can get the inflatible dragon. I know all the secrets, but I want you to find them all. Another hint: there is a cake! :)
OH and the new pin is in the boiler room. look in the Latest Pin section to see it:
News and much, much more!!
Hi! My post is all about today and yesterday and in the future too! Now, todays fun.. Heres the news in 'chronilogical' order...
Yesterday (not to do with cp) my keyboard died.. Now today Im on a different computer.. The keyboard broke down here too! Maybe its my superdy-duperdy fast typing smoking out the keyboards! lol..
Now the CP news...
Ok cp news... Yesterday the news paper came out with a party report saying something like:
Due to dragon sized demands the party has been extended...
Poly didnt get what this meant so she thought, the party was extended because of Dragon 'George'!
Poly, this means that penguins were demanding that the party goes on and the demands were the size of a dragon..
Also in the news.. Ahh, my keyboard works!!
Igloo Contest - 23rd to 26th May - Winners announced on the 29th
Writing Contest - Winners announced on the 29th
In Focus - '..Today we are looking at the Cofee Shop...'
Aunt Arctic - Secret Seekers question about secrets, (people prank you) and Party Martys question about parties, and how he doesnt know when they are on!
Tips for Newcomers - Surfing Tips by Bean Stork
Party Review - A reveiw about the medeival party by Nicirose
Game - Puffle So-Cute-O, Puffle sudoku
Poem - By Mallory Mb
23rd - New furniture catalog, New pet catalogue, Igloo contest starts, New pin hidden
29th - Winners announced for writing and igloo contest..
30th - Winning stories published
June 6th - New pin, new clothing catalog..
Today News -
The new catalog was released today...
New stuff:
Medieval banners - purple, green, orange
Regal Chair - You see them in the Arcade now!
Chess peices - Castles and horse head
Coffee Shop tree (hidden) - Click on the large house plant to find this item...
(also click on the 'P' for the usual palm tree)
The drumkit, dukebox, speaker, penguin band poster, space stage poster, electric stove, refridgerator, kitchen sink, coat rack, lamp and fan are on the CLEARANCCE PAGES!
The concert lights have gone! Luckily I bought them and Im hopefully going to buy the dukebox before it goes...
Theres a new Pink Ice Castle igloo selling for 4900 coins or something... I really want some igloo but Im sticking with mine! Its special, its the first item i bought! EVER!!
A bit of the past aswell, the book writing contest! As you already know if you seen my earlier post, I wrote a story for it.. Since its over Ill tell you what its about... Its based on a true story on Club Penguin, when I was really down... I wrote about the party..
Heres the real story which happened to me in real life:
I went round saying 'party party!' or whatever you say, and only ONE person came.. She was called Penalope.. Not a member.. Dressed in the free items of the head dress, the blue lei, and the arm bands... Essential outfit for a non member! Try it dudes! I said to her 'You are the only person who came!!' and pulled a sad face! And very cruelly, she left! With out saying anything!! The she was gone for about 5 minutes.. Then she sent me a post card.. A party invite.. I went to her igloo.. There was about 20 penguins.. She said to them ' Go to becky1507s igloo on the map (you could use numbers then.. good days, good days..) and invite your friends too!'
So we all went to my igloo! And when it finally loaded (SLOW!! SLOW.. stupid slowness!) I got in and there was about 50 penguins! All dancing! It only lasted for about 10 minutes but me and Penalope stayed til the end! Right at the end was just her and me.. I said thanks and she said' ok. my pleasure' and disapeared..
She was so kind.. Yeah and she was pink.. totally!!
In my story for the contest heres a quick thingy of it:
Every one hated me and they suprised me in myigloo. The end!
No, every one hated me and i was inviting people and no one came.. I was a loner.. (not in real life) Then i was like alone in the dojo and when i went backt o my igloo about a ''million'' people were there and they all shouted SUPRISEE!!! Woop woop!! THE END!!!
Totally!! I actually put 'a million penguins!' LOL!
This is a rather long post.. I can tell by how small the scroll bar thingy is.. Wow, REALLY long!!
Real life news: Two girls are joining in our class!! There'll be 7 girls and 11 boys! (a big class for a private school) We are nearly beating the boys!! (ok no where near!!)
Thats it.. Ill post some pics in a second coz pictures mess up my post...
Thursday, 22 May 2008
They held the party on for.... a dragon? By Poly Penguin
I read the club penguin times and it says the party has been held on because of a dragon or something. Speaking of dragons my friend George, the dragon, I met him at the party, he will be going soon. We need to be able to adpot them. anyway,
From Poly Penguin
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Multiple Connections..
So.. You wanna be friends with yourself.. Dont know what that means?? You have to accounts on Club Penguin and you want them to be budddies? And you dont want to give your pass out? So heres two sitesyou go on that work seperately and allows you to go on two accounts at once:
Have fun!
PS: Look at the post underneath this pengys!!
Its...... FISHPASTE!!!!
The clue gave was 'Fluffy' and thats Fluffy the Fish. So thats the Fish part.. But the whole CP SHOW name is... (you know it..) FishPaste. Heres the bannery sign thingy bob for you: (picture) And the video: Message:
Yeah sorry guys, we couldnt make the proper video for you today because Poly Penguin was away! But Me and Searcherdude made an intro! Enjoy! It says all about the show and who plays who... On my bit it went a bit messed with the play card suddenly opening and In was like: OOPS!! But Its not the prper video and you wont see any mistakes in the show coz we'll restart it! Heres the video anyway! Bon Apetite!
Thats the video! Hope you enjou watching it! Dont know why I said bon apetite! Heres the title banner sign anyway:: From Becky1507

Sunday, 18 May 2008
Pictures and The TV SHOW!
Ok you might have seen my pic of the ANGRY CASTLE about 3 posts down... This picture is a follow on from that pic... And then theres the Fire one... (C2E) Click 2 enlarge! GRR! Sorry!
Cant post too many pics coz Im in West Wales and it isnt my computer. I promis Illl make up for it when Im home! Also the new TV Show! We havent made it yet.. Probably on Monday and posted on Tuesday... I dont have the screen cam here.. :( Ill give you a clue about the name: Fluffy! Got to be on CP to get that! Thts only the first part of the name though! I cant thing of a clue for the other part of the name... Its a hard word... Well make it as soon as possible though! BYE!!


Saturday, 17 May 2008
My new Friend 'George the Dragon!' By Alice
Friday, 16 May 2008
Hello Party Pants!
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh!!! First medeival party in cp EVER!! And I'm there for it! With millions of others! I ♥ CP!! Its the best! So is the medeival party!
Look under this post for cool pics..
Heres some things that I like:
I like the beacon and the 'swimming pool' which is now the gold pool! The dragon with the Switchbox3000 (in the mine!) and the Gold Smiths! I like the mountain! I hear that its the first time its been decorated in ages!! And its only decorated for VEEEEEERRY special occasions.. I think theres going to be more out coz it is supposed to be SUPER cool! And it is! But I have a feeling that Im going to get bored soon...
Theres the 12th Fish play at the Cove, with a script there as well and a stage! At the Plaza theres the Puffle Shop and Pizza place! If you look there are symbols.. We just learnt in History that they were because no one could read except monks!
The mirror on the wall at the mountains good and the Ski lodge is PINK! I was like so amazed that my mum asked me something important and I said yes when it was actually no!
I love this party! The tunic is at the dock and when your at the dock, try pretending to be a princess locked in a caravan! Its quite fun! lol...
I dont think that anything can beat the April Fools Party and a message to CP:
To Club Penguin,
Please make theApril Fools party more fun next year! Not because it wasnt enough fun but because I want to see how fun you can get! Make a room where when you walk one way, you actually walk the other way! That would be A-MAZ-ING!
From Becky1507
Oh yeah and if you read on, CP, make sure you makeanother Fall Fair!!! It was so cool with all the extra games!
And Im going off the point! The beacon has a fire ontop!
And I totally beleive you should make a secret agents party! Look out for my messages column on the side!! :)
I keep going off the point and I think I covered it all (AS IF! Theres tooo much detail! Sooooo Cool!) so goodbye!
Once again look under neath for pics...
Hello Party Pants!
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh!!! First medeival party in cp EVER!! And I'm there for it! With millions ofothers!
Thursday, 15 May 2008
MAAAJOR catchup!
Hi! I cant beleive this! I havent posted since third of may!!
Now this is a major catch up post! Contents of this post: New style, 'Cloning', new igloo design, parties, pins, games and cheats! And a new Tv show! And IM adresses!!
I have a new style and some one for the first time managed to 'clone' me! Imust say its very unique! It is the ghost costume, blue trainers, blue lei,blue paddle bat, blue sunglasses, blue baseball hat and the blue paint! When this penguin cloned me, he had my background aswell! And pin! And they are The Fall Fair Special background, and the goblet pin. Have fun trying to clone people!
Cloning is when you copy someone! You must be rich to do it and also quite old... Try putting on a match of very unique and old clothing items and try walking round saying 'Can you clone me??' It can be suprising how many people can or cant! The best place to do it where every one is talking about it is:Mammoth, the Dock. The dock is always the fullest room in the server so it maybe a bit hard to get into! It is literally full of members!
I have redecorated my igloo with new floors and new music and also some new items! I have got the Disco Floor and the Hard Rock Music! I also bought the concert lights. Thats the most money I spent in a minute since... FOREVER!! It was quite fun because Iv been meaning to do that for ages and Im still on 10000 coins!! Me and Alice were talking today about buying the floor and she was like Ill buy it if you buy it! I beat her!!!! mwahahahaa!!!
Oooh! The medeival parties coming up! I think its gunna be good because its CPs first medeival party so I think theres going to be loads of free items and also the catalogues coming out! Looking forward tomoorow! And you?? Medeival Style!! Oh yeah! The pin is linked to this aswell so look under this!
OH! The Goblet Pin! Name reminds me of Lord of the Rings! Its meant to be medieval so obviously not! They say the pin is linked to a current or upcoming event (poshest words I've EVER used!) so its the medieval party it is linked to!
Mini-game in the newspaper! I wouldnt call it a game but thats what it is! Tick the words and press done! It brings up a 'cool*' message! (*Cool is in the brackets marky thingy bob thingys to say that its not really cool...) Also apparently the best moves for Cart Surfer are SPACE + DOWN (I totally agree! My main move!) and SPACE + UP! No way!! It earns you 50 coins! Its SPACE + ACROSS or DOWN + DOWN! They earn you 80! And some say it helps to be Lime Green! I dont care! Im blue! BLUE FOR BLUES!! And I made Poly and Searcher something! I thing theyll like it.. I wont tell you! I want it to be a suprise! Thats totally off the subject though! And thats also all for this thingy bob title thing..
I might make us all IM adresses so you can leave us offline messages on msn and well reply soon after! Itll contain something about CPH though! They wont be for emailing though! THEY WONT!!
Yes, weve made plans for our own show.. From the ideas of SpongeBob! But nothing like it!! Its about a fish a diver and a superhero! Pretty strange! Wont ruin the suprise though! Wait and see!
Also I think we need a new header! Goodbye!! Becky1507
Pic of my igloo coming tommorrow! Its on a different computer! :(
Hi! I cant beleive this! I havent posted since third of may!!
Now this is a major catch up post! Contents of this post: New style, 'Cloning', new igloo design, parties, pins, games and cheats! And a new Tv show!
I have a new style and some one for the first time managed to 'clone' me! Imust say its very unique! It is the ghost costume, blue trainers, blue lei,blue paddle bat, blue sunglasses, blue baseball hat and the blue paint! When this penguin cloned me, he had my background aswell! And pin! And they are The Fall Fair Special background, and the goblet pin. Have fun trying to clone people!
Cloning is when you copy someone! You must be rich to do it and also quite old... Try putting on a match of very unique and old clothing items and try walking round saying 'Can you clone me??' It can be suprising how many people can or cant! The best place to do it where every one is talking about it is:Mammoth, the Dock. The dock is always the fullest room in the server so it maybe a bit hard to get into! It is literally full of members!
I have redecorated my igloo with new floors and new music and also some new items! I have got the Disco Floor and the Hard Rock Music! I also bought the concert lights. Thats the most money I spent in a minute since... FOREVER!! It was quite fun because Iv been meaning to do that for ages and Im still on 10000 coins!!
Post! Catch up!
Hi! Icant beleive this! I havent posted since third of may!! Now this is a major catch up post! Contents of this post: New style, new igloo design
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Sooooo be Alice
I have found something out! There is gonna be an igloo decorating contest soon! A medevil one. Anyway, Im bored.... when does the party start? ? ? ? ? ?
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Fighting for Victory!
IF any of you cool, cool, cool, cool, cool penguins (okay you dont have to be that cool just coz we are so:) or any of you uncool, uncool, uncool, uncool, uncool penguins or penguins in between so that means you would be a cool, uncool penguin, or just a penguin.. So
Saturday, 3 May 2008
I found it!
I found Penguin Chat!
Penguin chat is the older version of club penguin.. well actually the older older version... And thats wear the idea for wigs came from! Ill post a pic on the picture site...
And the site is Dont worry about signing up! Your a member all the time and you dont need a pass... You cant put numbers in your name, but its still cool.. actually its not. theres 3 rooms, no games and no such thing as a buddy or an igloo.. But... Yeah, its fun for a little while but then your like, what can i do next? Oh, Ill go to the crash site! What shall i do next? Go to the north Pole! What shall i do next? I know! Go to the snowroom! Oh and then I can go to the crash site again! And then the North pole! You cant chuck a snow ball, you cant choose your clothing, you dont have money, no clothing catalogues, No Wig catalogues! No nothing! Just a few penguins walking around... Oh.. Fun! You can swear, you can put bad words in your name, you can only do stuff thats rubbish... Why waste your time on that?!
Anyway, you know the site, now click it and have a BOOOOOOOOORING time!
:D:D Yes. Also, I walked into a bin the other day (not funny) and i have a bruise on my shoulder.. :'(
Well thats it new post coming up!
Friday, 2 May 2008
Hi! Click on the Spikester and find the Spikette, click on the penguins collar and see the cheesy tie, and you can also find the woodsmans hat and the crystal staff and the viking helmets are on the easter bunnies tie!... and they have 2 new backgrounds, sheildy signy thingys and a castle wall.. See if you can find them in here:




Video and Links
I'm going to get a page with all links to catalogues and games and that... club penguin stuff...And heres our vid:
Yeah the tune gets a bit annoying.. Watch it twice and it stops getting annoying... And watch it 3 times to get use hits ;) lol!
Catalog cheats coming up as soon aas poss...
Here are some links for you:
Clothes catalog:
and thats all you need...
New catalog!!
hello! Our video is out.. Ill post the link and the video later.. yeah its uploading.. The tune isnt a real song so dont ask me
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